clock speed - translation to English
Online Dictionary

clock speed - translation to English

Clock speed; CPU clock rate; Clock frequency; Clocking; Clock Frequency; CPU clock; Operating frequency; Core frequency; Core speed; Clockspeed; Processor speed; Clock wars; Clocked; Clock frequencies; Clockrate; Clock period

clock speed         

общая лексика

тактовая частота

частота синхронизирующих колебаний, которые выдаёт тактовый генератор. Измеряется в мегагерцах


clock frequency; clock rate

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core speed

core speed         

общая лексика

внутренняя тактовая частота процессора

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clock speed

clock rate         
тактовая частота


clock speed
clock rate


Clock rate

In computing, the clock rate or clock speed typically refers to the frequency at which the clock generator of a processor can generate pulses, which are used to synchronize the operations of its components, and is used as an indicator of the processor's speed. It is measured in the SI unit of frequency hertz (Hz).

The clock rate of the first generation of computers was measured in hertz or kilohertz (kHz), the first personal computers (PCs) to arrive throughout the 1970s and 1980s had clock rates measured in megahertz (MHz), and in the 21st century the speed of modern CPUs is commonly advertised in gigahertz (GHz). This metric is most useful when comparing processors within the same family, holding constant other features that may affect performance.

Pronunciation examples for clock speed
1. with a faster clock speed.
Sourdough _ Robin Sloan _ Talks at Google
2. all the time-- you have a clock speed
The Simulation Hypothesis _ Rizwan Virk _ Talks at Google
3. it has to be a multiple of the clock speed.
The Simulation Hypothesis _ Rizwan Virk _ Talks at Google
4. rely on faster clock speed and slower dies, smaller dies, etcetera.
CIOs at Work _ Ed Yourden _ Talks at Google
5. Moore's Law is broken. The clock speed is not going up at the rate
Reimagining the Internet _ Vint Cerf _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of clock speed
1. To get around the problem, the industry has resorted to building two or more computing engines known as ‘cores’ on a single chip and throttling back the clock speed to prevent a silicon meltdown.
2. After releasing the Apple Lisa, which was a flop primarily due to its $',''5 price tag, Apple needed a hit." That‘s $20,000 in today‘s money, which Apple felt was justified because the Lisa included such cutting–edge (for 1'83) features as a graphical user interface (GUI), a mouse, a built–in screensaver and a then–blistering 5Mhz clock speed. (By the way, if anyone knows where Higgins can get a hold of an original Lisa, let us know.) Mental Floss: Macintosh development stories Cult fiction: "A Confederacy of Dunces" Dunces is cult for a few reasons –– one because it‘s rare; the author, John Kennedy Toole, killed himself 11 years before the book was published in 1'80, so there are no more Toole novels in the ol‘ pipeline.